"Kubernetes in Production: Best Practices and Lessons Learned"

Are you ready to take your Kubernetes game to the next level? Are you tired of dealing with the headaches of managing your Kubernetes clusters in production? Look no further! In this article, we'll dive into the best practices and lessons learned for running Kubernetes in production.


Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration. It provides a powerful platform for managing containerized applications at scale. However, running Kubernetes in production can be a daunting task. There are many challenges to overcome, such as managing resources, scaling applications, and ensuring high availability.

In this article, we'll explore the best practices and lessons learned for running Kubernetes in production. We'll cover topics such as cluster design, resource management, application deployment, and monitoring. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to run Kubernetes in production and avoid common pitfalls.

Cluster Design

The first step in running Kubernetes in production is designing your cluster. There are many factors to consider, such as the number of nodes, the size of the nodes, and the number of clusters. Here are some best practices for designing your Kubernetes cluster:

Use Multiple Clusters

One of the best practices for running Kubernetes in production is to use multiple clusters. This provides several benefits, such as improved fault tolerance, better resource utilization, and easier management. By using multiple clusters, you can isolate workloads and reduce the risk of a single point of failure.

Use Node Pools

Another best practice for cluster design is to use node pools. Node pools allow you to group nodes together based on their characteristics, such as size or availability zone. This makes it easier to manage resources and scale applications.

Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)

Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) is a Kubernetes feature that automatically scales the number of pods in a deployment based on resource utilization. This is a powerful tool for managing resources and ensuring high availability. By using HPA, you can automatically scale your applications based on demand, without having to manually adjust the number of pods.

Resource Management

Resource management is a critical aspect of running Kubernetes in production. It's important to ensure that your applications have the resources they need to run smoothly, while also avoiding resource contention. Here are some best practices for resource management:

Use Resource Requests and Limits

One of the best practices for resource management is to use resource requests and limits. Resource requests specify the minimum amount of resources that a pod requires to run, while resource limits specify the maximum amount of resources that a pod can use. By using resource requests and limits, you can ensure that your applications have the resources they need to run smoothly, while also avoiding resource contention.

Use Quality of Service (QoS) Classes

Another best practice for resource management is to use Quality of Service (QoS) classes. QoS classes allow you to prioritize pods based on their resource requirements. There are three QoS classes in Kubernetes: Guaranteed, Burstable, and BestEffort. By using QoS classes, you can ensure that your critical applications have the resources they need to run smoothly, while also allowing less critical applications to use resources as needed.

Use Node Affinity and Anti-Affinity

Node affinity and anti-affinity are Kubernetes features that allow you to specify which nodes your pods should or should not be scheduled on. By using node affinity and anti-affinity, you can ensure that your applications are running on nodes that have the resources they need, while also avoiding resource contention.

Application Deployment

Application deployment is another critical aspect of running Kubernetes in production. It's important to ensure that your applications are deployed in a way that is scalable, reliable, and easy to manage. Here are some best practices for application deployment:

Use Rolling Updates

One of the best practices for application deployment is to use rolling updates. Rolling updates allow you to update your applications without downtime. By using rolling updates, you can ensure that your applications are always available, while also minimizing the risk of downtime.

Use Canary Deployments

Another best practice for application deployment is to use canary deployments. Canary deployments allow you to test new versions of your applications in production before rolling them out to all users. By using canary deployments, you can ensure that your new versions are stable and reliable before rolling them out to all users.

Use Blue/Green Deployments

Blue/Green deployments are a deployment strategy that involves deploying a new version of your application alongside the old version, and then switching traffic to the new version once it's ready. By using Blue/Green deployments, you can ensure that your new versions are stable and reliable before switching traffic to them.


Monitoring is a critical aspect of running Kubernetes in production. It's important to ensure that you have visibility into your applications and clusters, so that you can quickly identify and resolve issues. Here are some best practices for monitoring:

Use Prometheus

One of the best practices for monitoring Kubernetes is to use Prometheus. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that is designed for monitoring Kubernetes clusters. It provides powerful metrics and alerting capabilities, and integrates well with Kubernetes.

Use Grafana

Another best practice for monitoring Kubernetes is to use Grafana. Grafana is an open-source dashboarding tool that is designed for visualizing metrics. It integrates well with Prometheus, and provides powerful visualization capabilities.

Use Kubernetes Events

Kubernetes events are a powerful tool for monitoring your clusters. They provide visibility into the state of your clusters, and can be used to trigger alerts and notifications. By using Kubernetes events, you can quickly identify and resolve issues in your clusters.


Running Kubernetes in production can be a daunting task, but by following these best practices and lessons learned, you can ensure that your clusters are scalable, reliable, and easy to manage. From cluster design to resource management, application deployment, and monitoring, there are many factors to consider when running Kubernetes in production. By using the best practices outlined in this article, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your applications are running smoothly. So what are you waiting for? Start implementing these best practices today and take your Kubernetes game to the next level!

Additional Resources

learnterraform.dev - learning terraform declarative cloud deployment
composemusic.app - A site where you can compose music online
mlsec.dev - machine learning security
nftassets.dev - crypto nft assets you can buy
trollsubs.com - making fake funny subtitles
cryptoapi.cloud - integrating with crypto apis from crypto exchanges, and crypto analysis, historical data sites
farmsim.games - games in the farm simulator category
flutter.guide - A guide to flutter dart mobile app framework for creating mobile apps
visualize.dev - data visualization, cloud visualization, graph and python visualization
mlwriting.com - machine learning writing, copywriting, creative writing
taxon.dev - taxonomies, ontologies and rdf, graphs, property graphs
learnnlp.dev - learning NLP, natural language processing engineering
pertchart.app - pert charts
coinexchange.dev - crypto exchanges, integration to their APIs
mlops.management - machine learning operations management, mlops
codelab.education - learning programming
logicdatabase.dev - logic database, rdf, skos, taxonomies and ontologies, prolog
dfw.community - the dallas fort worth community, technology meetups and groups
kidslearninggames.dev - educational kids games
startupvalue.app - assessing the value of a startup

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed